August 29, 2024
Don't wait! Order your 2024-2025 yearbook early at a discounted price of $28 ! Take advantage of the Back-to-School discount until September 30th . Yearbooks will still be av...

August 15, 2024
We're excited to introduce this year's main fundraiser, the TES Castle Quest Fun Run! Our goal this year is to raise $28,000 for a new sports court to benefit ALL students at Ta...

April 24, 2024
Last week, second-grade students were given the opportunity to participate in Tanglewood Elementary's Journey Back In Time event! With the hard work of the second-grade teache...

March 20, 2024
Family Math and Science night was a GLOWING SUCCESS! Students had so much fun making slime, stacking cups, driving robots, and visiting the Star Lab! Thank you to all the studen...
October 12, 2023
The Central Community School System was recognized as a Models of Excellence recipient by the Louisiana Department of Education. You can read the press release from the LDOE by c...

September 8, 2023
INTRODUCING THE READING A-Z CHALLENGE! This challenge is for SECOND GRADERS ONLY! Students must read 26 AR books by authors with last names that begin with each letter of the alp...

August 30, 2023
Students at Tanglewood Elementary will be celebrating International Dot Day on Friday, September 15th. The event is based on the book, "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. In the story,...

August 30, 2023
Reminder: All CCSS Schools and Offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.

August 23, 2023
REMINDER: Tomorrow ( Thursday, August 24) is TES YEARBOOK PICTURE DAY! Students should dress neatly in their school uniforms for the picture.

August 23, 2023
ALERT: NEW BREAKFAST ITEM! Introducing THE CHOCOLATE SWIRL! Look for this item in the TES Cafeteria on August 29th. Yum!

August 9, 2023
Please look over the following reminders for our FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL!

August 9, 2023
Please view the map and read the procedures for carpool this year!

August 8, 2023
Hooray! It's our FIRST DAY! Students should report to TES on the following dates: FIRST GRADE ONLY:
Thursday, August 10
Friday, Au...
May 16, 2023
Did you know Tanglewood has its very own garden and greenhouse? Established in 2015 with a grant written by Ms. Meredith Hicks and money donated through the Central Bloomers, the...

May 11, 2023
YEARBOOK SIGNING PARTY! Friday, May 19th. Don't forget your yearbook and a pen! It's not too late to get yours, but a limited number of yearbooks are left. $40 CASH ONLY! We will ...

April 18, 2023
YEARBOOKS ARE HERE! Prepaid yearbooks were given out today. It's not too late to get yours. There is a limited number available. $40 CASH ONLY until all are gone.
March 28, 2023
Mrs. Buell's 2nd grade class was the first class to have every student complete the Amazing Authors A to Z Challenge. All 24 of the second graders read 26 books by authors with la...
March 2, 2023
The students at Tanglewood Elementary had some very special guests visit to help celebrate Read Across America Week. Central High School athletes read a story to one first and sec...